business methodology
funny tales: a man who arrive to his house so happy said to his son come baby today i am going to teach you how to be a great business man, the boy who was playing so happy on the floor said radically !no daddy i dont want! but the father repeated one and one more time until convice to his son, the son so affraid said what are you going to teach me, the father said get up on the cabinet the boy did it hardly, then the father said launch you the boy affraid said no father are you crazy, no son i am going to take you i am no going to let you fall, then thge father convince the boy and heb jump over his father in that moment the father run and let him fall, the boy began to cry and his father said in the business you must not trust nor your father.
learn this vocabulary
- Acción: Share
- Accionista: Shareholder; Stockholder
- Acreedor: Creditor
- Acuerdo: Understanding
- Aduana: Customs
- Ahorro: Saving
- Amortización: Amortization; Redemption
- Autofinanciación: Self-financing
- Balance: Balance
- Banco; Banca: Bank
- Beneficio: Profit
- Bienes de consumo: Consumer goods
- Billete: Banknote; Note ; Bill
- Bolsa: Stock exchange
- Capital congelado: Frozen capital
- Capital disponible: Available capital
- Capital fijo: Fixed assets
- Capital inicial: Initial capital
- Capital: Capital
- Cheque al portador: Bearer cheque; Cheque payable to bearer
- Cheque cruzado: Crossed cheque
- Cheque: Cheque ; Check
- Comercialización: Marketing
- Comerciante: Merchant; Tradesman
- Comercio exterior: Foreign
- Comercio internacional: International Trade
- Comercio nacional o interior: Domestic
- Comercio: Commerce; Trade; trading
- Competencia: Competition
- Compra: Purchase
- Comprador: Buyer
- Consumidor: Consumer
- Consumo: Consumption
- Contabilidad: Accounting; Bookkeeping
- Contable: Accountant; Bookkeeper
- Contribuyente: Taxpayer
- Cotización: Quotation
- Coyuntura: Economic trend
- Crédito: Credit
- Cuentacorriente: Current account ; Checking account
- Deflación: Deflation
- Demanda: Demand
- Descuento: Discount
- Deudor: Debtor
- Devaluación: Devaluation
- Dinero efectivo o en metálico: Cash
- Dinero suelto; Cambio: Change
- Dinero: Money
- Dividendo: Dividend
- Domicilio social: Registered; Head office
- Economía y Comercio: Economy and Commerce
- Economía: Economic
- Economista: Economist
- Efectivo en caja: Cash on hand
- En vías de desarrollo: Developing
- Escasez: Scarcity
- Especulación: Speculation
- Estado de cuentas: Statement of accounts
- Estancamiento: Stagnation
- Existencias: Stocks
- Exportación: Export; Exportation
- Exportador: Exporter
- Fabricante: Manufacturer
- Fisco; hacienda: Fiscal authorities
- Fluctuación: Economic fluctuation
- Fuga de capitales: Capital flight
- Ganancias: Earnings
- Gastos diversos: Miscellaneous costs
- Gastos fijos: Fixed costs
- Gastos generales: Overhead expenses
- Gastos imprevistos: Contingent expenses; contingencies
- Gastos: Expenses; Expenditure; Outgoings
- Giro: Drawing
- Hipoteca: Mortgage
- Holding: Holding company
- Importación: Import; Importation
- Importador: Importer
- Impuesto sobre la renta: Income tax
- Impuesto: Duty
- Indice de crecimiento: Rate of growth
- Infraestructura: Infrastructure
- Ingresos; Renta: Income
- Interés; Rédito: Interest
- Intermediario: Middleman
- Inventario: Inventory; Stocktaking
- Inversion: Investment
- Inversionista: Investor
- Libre de impuesto: Tax-free
- Libro de caja: Cashbook
- Libro de contabilidad: Account book
- Marca ragistrada: Trademark
- Margen de beneficio: Profit margin
- Mayorista: Wholesaler
- Mercado libre: Open market
- Mercado negro, estraperlo: Black market
- Mercado: Market
- Minorista: Retailer
- Moneda nacional: Domestic
- Monopolio: Monopoly
- Nivel de vida: Standard of living
- Obligación: Bond; Debenture
- Oferta: Offer
- Operación comercial: Commercial
- Pagar en efectivo: To pay in cash
- Poder adquisitivo: Purchasing power ; Buying power
- Precio al contado: Cash price
- Precio al por mayor: Wholesale price
- Precio al por menor: Retail price
- Precio de coste: Cost price
- Precio de fábrica: Factory price; Manufacturer's price
- Precio fijo: Fixed price
- Precio: Price
- Prestamista: Lender
- Préstamo a corto , largo y medio plazo: Short, long, medium term loan
- Préstamo; Prestar: Loan
- Préstamo: Borrowing
- Prestatario: Borrower
- Presupuesto: Budget
- Producción: Output ; Production
- Productividad: Productivity
- Recaudador de impuestos: Tax collector
- Saldo de caja: Cash balance
- Seguro: Insurance
- Situación económica: Economic situation
- Subdesarrollo: Underdevelopment
- Subsidio; Subvención: Allowance; Grant ; Subsidy
- Talonario de cheques: Chequebook (U.K) ; Check book (USA)
- Tipo de interés: Rate of interest
- Título; Valor: Security; Stock
- Transferencia: Transfer
- Vencimiento: Maturity
- Vendedor: Dealer
- Venta a plazos: Hire-purchase ; Instalment plan
- Venta al contado: Cash sale
- Venta: Sale
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