7th grade
ENNY: Hi lau how are you doing?
LAURA: I am ok,how do you feel?
ENNY:I feel bad i have had some troubles.
LAURA:what kind of trouble girl dont worry all problems have solutions. tell me.
ENNY: last week i bought a heater and a iron in a appliance store so i was happy because i was going to have the oportunity to cook at home but, the heater has manufacturing defects but the iron was good for this reason i am so angry and i dont know what to do
LAURA: its so easy, you must take it overthere and change it
ENNY: ahh its great but how can i do it?
LAURA: its so easy if you want i can accompany
ENNY: of course, ok help me
LAURA: go ahead
now we´ll know some news words
Palabra en Inglés | Pronunciación | Significado |
air conditioner | éer condíshoner | aire acondicionador |
blender | blénder | licuadora |
ceiling fan | cíiling fan | ventilador de techo |
coffee maker | cófi méiker | cafetera |
dishwasher | dísh uósher | lavavajillas |
fan | fan | ventilador |
freezer | fríiser | congelador |
fridge | frídch | heladera |
hairdryer | jér dráier | secador de cabellos |
heater | jíiter | estufa |
iron | áiron | plancha |
microwave | máicro uéiv | microondas |
mixer | míxer | batidora |
oven | óven | horno |
refrigerator | refríyeréitor | heladera |
sewing machine | sóuing mashín | máquina de coser |
spin dryer | spín dráier | secador centrífugo |
stove | stóuv | cocina |
toaster | tóuster | tostadora |
let´s play a video
now we are going to learn play
what is the appliance most important in you house and why?
yerling: for example for my is the heater because i can prepare my foods on it