martes, 19 de junio de 2012



                                                  7th grade

                                    HAVE YOU BOUGHT A USELESS APPLIANCE?

ENNY: Hi lau how are you doing?
LAURA: I am ok,how do you feel?
ENNY:I feel bad i have had some troubles.
LAURA:what kind of trouble girl dont worry all problems have solutions. tell me.
ENNY: last week i bought a heater and a iron in a appliance store so  i was happy because i was going to have the oportunity to cook at home but, the heater has manufacturing defects  but the iron was good for this reason i am so angry and i dont know what to do
 LAURA: its so easy, you must take it overthere and change it
ENNY: ahh its great but how can i do it?
LAURA: its so easy if you want i can accompany
ENNY: of course, ok help me
LAURA: go ahead

now we´ll know some news words


Palabra en InglésPronunciaciónSignificado
air conditioneréer condíshoneraire acondicionador
ceiling fancíiling fanventilador de techo
coffee makercófi méikercafetera
dishwasherdísh uósherlavavajillas
hairdryerjér dráiersecador de cabellos
microwavemáicro uéivmicroondas
sewing machinesóuing mashínmáquina de coser
spin dryerspín dráiersecador centrífugo

let´s play a video

now we are going to learn play

what is the appliance most important in you house and why?
yerling: for example for my is the heater because i can prepare my foods on it

business vocabulary

                                  business methodology 
funny tales: a man who arrive to his house so happy said to his son come baby today i am going to teach you how to be  a  great business man, the boy who was playing so happy on the floor said radically !no daddy i dont want! but the father repeated one and one more time until convice to his son, the son so affraid said what  are you going to teach me, the father said get up  on the cabinet the boy did it hardly, then the father said launch you the boy affraid said no father are you crazy, no son i am going to take you i am no going to let you fall, then thge father convince the boy and heb jump over his father in that moment the father run and let him fall, the boy began to cry and his father said in the business you must not trust nor your father.

learn this vocabulary
  1. Acción: Share
  2. Accionista: Shareholder; Stockholder
  3. Acreedor: Creditor
  4. Acuerdo: Understanding
  5. Aduana: Customs
  6. Ahorro: Saving
  7. Amortización: Amortization; Redemption
  8. Autofinanciación: Self-financing
  9. Balance: Balance
  10. Banco; Banca: Bank
  11. Beneficio: Profit
  12. Bienes de consumo: Consumer goods
  13. Billete: Banknote; Note ; Bill
  14. Bolsa: Stock exchange
  15. Capital congelado: Frozen capital
  16. Capital disponible: Available capital
  17. Capital fijo: Fixed assets
  18. Capital inicial: Initial capital
  19. Capital: Capital
  20. Cheque al portador: Bearer cheque; Cheque payable to bearer
  21. Cheque cruzado: Crossed cheque
  22. Cheque: Cheque ; Check
  23. Comercialización: Marketing
  24. Comerciante: Merchant; Tradesman
  25. Comercio exterior: Foreign
  26. Comercio internacional: International Trade
  27. Comercio nacional o interior: Domestic
  28. Comercio: Commerce; Trade; trading
  29. Competencia: Competition
  30. Compra: Purchase
  31. Comprador: Buyer
  32. Consumidor: Consumer
  33. Consumo: Consumption
  34. Contabilidad: Accounting; Bookkeeping
  35. Contable: Accountant; Bookkeeper
  36. Contribuyente: Taxpayer
  1. Cotización: Quotation
  2. Coyuntura: Economic trend
  3. Crédito: Credit
  4. Cuentacorriente: Current account ; Checking account
  5. Deflación: Deflation
  6. Demanda: Demand
  7. Descuento: Discount
  8. Deudor: Debtor
  9. Devaluación: Devaluation
  10. Dinero efectivo o en metálico: Cash
  11. Dinero suelto; Cambio: Change
  12. Dinero: Money
  13. Dividendo: Dividend
  14. Domicilio social: Registered; Head office
  15. Economía y Comercio: Economy and Commerce
  16. Economía: Economic
  17. Economista: Economist
  18. Efectivo en caja: Cash on hand
  19. En vías de desarrollo: Developing
  20. Escasez: Scarcity
  21. Especulación: Speculation
  22. Estado de cuentas: Statement of accounts
  23. Estancamiento: Stagnation
  24. Existencias: Stocks
  25. Exportación: Export; Exportation
  26. Exportador: Exporter
  27. Fabricante: Manufacturer
  28. Fisco; hacienda: Fiscal authorities
  29. Fluctuación: Economic fluctuation
  30. Fuga de capitales: Capital flight
  31. Ganancias: Earnings
  32. Gastos diversos: Miscellaneous costs
  33. Gastos fijos: Fixed costs
  34. Gastos generales: Overhead expenses
  1. Gastos imprevistos: Contingent expenses; contingencies
  2. Gastos: Expenses; Expenditure; Outgoings
  3. Giro: Drawing
  4. Hipoteca: Mortgage
  5. Holding: Holding company
  6. Importación: Import; Importation
  7. Importador: Importer
  8. Impuesto sobre la renta: Income tax
  9. Impuesto: Duty
  10. Indice de crecimiento: Rate of growth
  11. Infraestructura: Infrastructure
  12. Ingresos; Renta: Income
  13. Interés; Rédito: Interest
  14. Intermediario: Middleman
  15. Inventario: Inventory; Stocktaking
  16. Inversion: Investment
  17. Inversionista: Investor
  18. Libre de impuesto: Tax-free
  19. Libro de caja: Cashbook
  20. Libro de contabilidad: Account book
  21. Marca ragistrada: Trademark
  22. Margen de beneficio: Profit margin
  23. Mayorista: Wholesaler
  24. Mercado libre: Open market
  25. Mercado negro, estraperlo: Black market
  26. Mercado: Market
  27. Minorista: Retailer
  28. Moneda nacional: Domestic
  29. Monopolio: Monopoly
  30. Nivel de vida: Standard of living
  31. Obligación: Bond; Debenture
  32. Oferta: Offer
  33. Operación comercial: Commercial
  34. Pagar en efectivo: To pay in cash
  35. Poder adquisitivo: Purchasing power ; Buying power
  36. Precio al contado: Cash price
  37. Precio al por mayor: Wholesale price
  38. Precio al por menor: Retail price
  1. Precio de coste: Cost price
  2. Precio de fábrica: Factory price; Manufacturer's price
  3. Precio fijo: Fixed price
  4. Precio: Price
  5. Prestamista: Lender
  6. Préstamo a corto , largo y medio plazo: Short, long, medium term loan
  7. Préstamo; Prestar: Loan
  8. Préstamo: Borrowing
  9. Prestatario: Borrower
  10. Presupuesto: Budget
  11. Producción: Output ; Production
  12. Productividad: Productivity
  13. Recaudador de impuestos: Tax collector
  14. Saldo de caja: Cash balance
  15. Seguro: Insurance
  16. Situación económica: Economic situation
  17. Subdesarrollo: Underdevelopment
  18. Subsidio; Subvención: Allowance; Grant ; Subsidy
  19. Talonario de cheques: Chequebook (U.K) ; Check book (USA)
  20. Tipo de interés: Rate of interest
  21. Título; Valor: Security; Stock
  22. Transferencia: Transfer
  23. Vencimiento: Maturity
  24. Vendedor: Dealer
  25. Venta a plazos: Hire-purchase ; Instalment plan
  26. Venta al contado: Cash sale
  27. Venta: Sale
now lets pla a good video

enjoy doing this activity

what kind of business would you like to do?

clothes vocabulary

                            6th grade
what do your clothes say about you?
popular fashion comes and goes and sometimes comes back again! new fashion trends reflect the times and often come from social change and popular culture as seen in music, cinema, television or sport.
in the 1950s teenagers all over the world dressed like the rock and rool star ELVIS PRESLEY. Elvis mania was the begining of teenager non conformity. in the 1960s, THE BEATLES changed hair styles everywhere. social and politicaldisconten in the1970s resulted in the hippie movement when young people wore ethnic clothes and flowers in their hair. the consumerism of the 1980s began the culture of individualism you can be what you want to be a dthe material girl MADONNA, changed her image regularly.
Even urban  hip hop singers wore  expensive  trainers and designer label .In the 1990s groups like nirvana began  the grunge look and the end of the decade, there was a return to the ethnic looka hippie revival and body piercing.  
                                      watch this image

  • anorak - anorak
  • belt - cinturón
  • beret - boina
  • bikini - bikini
  • blouse - blusa
  • boots - botas
  • bowtie - pajarita
  • bra - sujetador
  • braces - tirantes
  • button - botón
  • cap - gorra
  • cardigan - rebeca
  • coat - abrigo
  • dress - vestido
  • laces - cordones
  • cufflinks - gemelos
  • diner jacket - smoking
  • dress - vestido
  • dressing-gown - bata
  • gloves - guantes
  • hat - sombrero
  • high heels- tacones altos
  • jacket - chaqueta
  • jeans - vaqueros
  • jersey - jersey
  • jumper - jersey
  • knickers - bragas
  • nightdress - camisón
  • mini-skirt - mini-falda

  • overall - mono
  • underpants - calzoncillos
  • pyjamas - pijama
  • raincoat - impermeable
  • sandals - sandalias
  • scarf - bufanda
  • shirt -camisa
  • shoes - zapatos
  • shorts - pantalones cortos
  • skirt - falda
  • slippers - zapatillas
  • socks - calcetines
  • stiletto - tacón de aguja
  • stockings - medias
  • suspender - liguero
  • suit - traje
  • sweater - jersey
  • sweatshirt - sudadera
  • swimming costume - bañador
  • "T" shirt - camiseta
  • tie - corbata
  • tights - panty
  • tracksuit - chandal
  • trousers - pantalones
  • uniform - uniforme
  • waistcoat - chaleco
  • wellingtons - botas de goma
  • zip - cremallera

yerling: my favourite item of clothes is a pair of boots.
what is your favourite item of clothe?

how to get everything in the life

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

Aprendizaje Significativo

Aprendizaje Significativo

     learning process  always must be attached in the wish to learn,  is in nthis moment when we will explore the great thing that life has for us, attending orders that our proffesors are going to give usit doest not matter if he has not a universitary diploma